
S4 League BETA S4 FarmBot

18 Kasım 2010 Perşembe

S4 League BETA S4 FarmBot
About the Bot
  • It’s a PixelBot
  • NO Background support
  • 2 PCs needed, works fine in VMWare
  • 800×600 only
  • auto room create, auto friend invite, auto join are working fine
  • only Tunnel is fully working
  • Window mode is NOT supported
Bot Configuration
  • Host Modi – Room Master
  • Client Modi – automaticly press rdy, auto join on invite
  • S4 Path – Path to S4, you won’t need to configure it since the AutoStart config is quite bugged
  • Number of Runs – how often to restart the game
  • Wpn/Skill Change – automaticly equips the first wpn and skill
  • Resolution – not rly an option :>
Host / Client
  • Room Create – Host Option -> creates a room when u start the bot in the lobby, will be skipped if you’re already in one
  • Inivte Friend – Host Option -> invites the first friend in list, only works with room create
  • Join Game – Client Option -> auto accept ANY invite, be sure to activate the “invite from friends only” option in S4
  • Room PW – uh should be clear …
Auto Login / Start
don’t bother with this one … most of those funktions are bugged…
  • Start Game – starts the game if not already running
  • Autologin – automaticly loggin in and joins the English Free Channel
  • switch User – switch between the two Accounts after the given number of runs
Like I said those options are bugged, so don’t bother with em and simply skip em …
How to use
Okay first of the bot needs some prepartion to work w/o any problems. I’m using the bot for MasterPoints farming so here is how I do it.
S4 Option
  • Allow invitation – Friend Only
  • Allow Combi invitation – Friend only
  • Allow friend request – Reject/Total -> if you’re spamed with friend requests simply reject this, I have this Option on Total and didn’t had any problems so far
  • Screen ration – 4×3
  • Resolution – 800×600
Prepartion for Combi Master Points farming
  1. create two new Accounts
  2. login with both of em, skip the tut and simply join the free channel
  3. buy 1x 5h SMG and 1x 5h HP+
  4. befriend those two accounts
  5. Invite those two into a combi with your main acc
this is just the preparing part, I usualy have 4 Accounts: 2 leveling and 2 rdy to use :>
Start Bot w/ Create Room/Auto Invite/Auto Join
The Auto Invite options invites the FIRST friend in the list, so set it up this way! Otherwise it does not work …
  • login into the lobby with both Accounts
  • start the bot for both Accounts – one as Host, one as Client :>
  • The Host Account should start immediatly creating the room
  • The Client Account will wait for an invite
  • that’s it :>
Start Bot w/o Create Room/Auto Invite/Auto Join
You won’t need to setup anything special for this …
  • login in a room with both accounts
  • start the bot for both Accounts – it shouldn’t realy matter, but start the Host first :>
  • that’s it :>
What will the bot do once its in the game?
  • Host and Client are running into the middle of the map
  • Host kills Client
  • Client runs back
  • Client kills Host
  • Host runs back
  • both of em are spaming ctrl
  • games ends
  • Client press rdy
  • Host starts
  • repeat
Tipps and Bugs
  • 22 Runs is a pretty good option for Master Points farming, the new accoutns will be lvl 10 after this and you should switch the Accounts
  • ~16 Runs for Pen Farming
  • Errors are killing the bot, lost Connection to Chat Server is EVIL
  • End should quit the bot … sometimes >_>
  • if you’re running it in VMWare, setup 512MB Ram and restart the vm every 22h
  • The AutoStart functions does works sometimes and Autologin too, but if your S4 needs to long to load it will most likely bug
  • Don’t start the bot while in Loading screen, S4 sometimes crashes with an Speedhack Error o.O
  • after a Game the Host is sometimes kicked out of a room due to afk, working on a fix …
I hope this clears most of your questions. I’ll update the bot as often as possible, but it will be most likely only some minor bug fixes.
Uh yeah about the source code… yeah I know its shity written and yeah I hate AutoIt :> About the Bot
Tipps and Bugs
  • 22 Runs is a pretty good option for Master Points farming, the new accoutns will be lvl 10 after this and you should switch the Accounts
  • ~16 Runs for Pen Farming
  • Errors are killing the bot, lost Connection to Chat Server is EVIL
  • End should quit the bot … sometimes >_>
  • if you’re running it in VMWare, setup 512MB Ram and restart the vm every 22h
  • The AutoStart functions does works sometimes and Autologin too, but if your S4 needs to long to load it will most likely bug
  • Don’t start the bot while in Loading screen, S4 sometimes crashes with an Speedhack Error o.O
  • after a Game the Host is sometimes kicked out of a room due to afk, working on a fix …
I hope this clears most of your questions. I’ll update the bot as often as possible, but it will be most likely only some minor bug fixes.
Uh yeah about the source code… yeah I know its shity written and yeah I hate AutoIt :>

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